Quote: “I speak not for myself but for those without voice... those who have fought for their rights... their right to live in peace, their right to be treated with dignity, their right to equality of opportunity, their right to be educated.” - Malala Yousafzai
It is not easy to stand up against racism, but it is the right thing to do. Whether you are in school, university or at work, questioning allegations, prejudices and stereotypes is an excellent way to let individuals know that it is not nice to be racist. Often folks will unconsciously make statements that appear racist. Standing up to such remarks can be a perfect way for people to think about the negative effect they have. Presently around the globe we are witnessing everybody raising their voice of the heartbreaking moment that was witnessed in United States in the past week which is an eye-opener for all communities all over the globe.
When you stand up for yourself or anyone, it is a good idea to handle the situation as calmly as you can and to make sure you feel safe first. Being able to hold discussions about discrimination and racism provides room for dialogue and change while going straight into a hollering match which typically is counterproductive.
If you are experiencing discrimination or racism, finding a way to fight back is encouraging and positive. It can reduce the feeling of depression or helplessness and give a positive outlet to frustration and anger. It will look different for other people in different situations. You could use humor to challenge an offensive statement with a group of friends; get involved in a political or activist cause; or get involved in online discussions or offer a different opinion in a group discussion.
It can be extremely overwhelming to talk about discrimination and racism, particularly in a situation where you do not want to cause trouble. You need to feel confident in sharing your thoughts in a way that suits you. Be sure you put your protection first, remain calm, and consider your own beliefs and principles before you move in to support others. The following factors can help you in Speaking up against discrimination and racism.
Discuss It with Family and Friends
This is a perfect way to get stuff off your chest and enables you to understand what you are happy with. Your loved ones will also motivate you to realize that you are not alone.
Reading Everything about Discrimination and Racism
Understanding the context and effect of discrimination and racism will open the door to finding all ways to combat racist behavior. Start searching online for posts, videos, and blogs about people's perspectives from a range of backgrounds.
Joining a United Collective or Civic Group
Promoting multiculturalism and fighting discrimination and racism is a perfect way to learn about and act against discrimination.
Equity Services offers constructive education and training to foster awareness, celebrate ethnic and cultural diversity and tackle issues of racial inequality and abuse. Racism may affect everyone. It could make you feel like you are not essential or that you do not fit in. You may feel sad, upset, or frustrated. You may be influenced even though it is not directed at you, as if you are hearing someone discriminated against someone's culture.
Setting Limitations
One cannot control others, but they can certainly have a say so that individuals are aware that such behavior is not tolerable. Remember change takes time and in small steps and not large ones. Integrating or partaking in any sort of criminal behaviors such as violence, looting, slaughtering to combat this situation is not deemed appropriate as it only exacerbates the problem.
How to discover or develop an Ally
When one is frustrated against such intolerant situations, one must seek out like minded individuals so they can seek support in whatever ways they can. One you have received a favor from an individual do not forget to return the favor back or vice versa. Lead by example so that you inspire others to follow you. One should always speak up against such chauvinism and not be silenced by fear!
Racism and discrimination tend to be a part of life for many college students. Sometimes, racism is evident, such as the use of racial stereotypes, graffiti, or even violence. However, it can also often occur in more subtle forms, such as stereotyping, assumptions, or exclusion. In any way, racism and discrimination add stress and challenge to the lives of people of color. We must consider that everyone has the right to be treated equally irrespective of colour, race, religion, gender, ethnicity, origin, and belief.
Have you witnessed anyone being racist or discriminated towards you or someone you know? How did you tackle this? Did you address the matter or just walked away from the issue? Are you contributing in any rallies or engaged in a virtual alliances to address this serious matter? I would be more than glad to hear your views/opinions on this topic that many of us have to deal with on a daily basis at any phase of our life.
Written by: Girish Rohra Chawla
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