With the ever changing HR trends evolving globally, Video CV’s is one of the most common and popular increasing methods of job hunting among many job seekers. It, however, has replaced the traditional shaking methods of hiring, which involved writing many letters relating to CV’s and cover letters and sending them to the employers. The young generation and job seekers are stepping out of the traditional mode of applying for jobs and they are slowly acclimating Video CV’s, and once this is done in an ideal world, they can have a significant impact as compared to paper-based CV’s.
It is admiring and enjoyable when seeing the new technology of Video CV’s taking ahead of the game. Although it can be hard for graduates to adapt and stand out from the rest, with help from an expert, you will stand up and stick out of the competition. Therefore, here are some of the benefits of Video CV’s that will make you stand out from the rest.
Showcases You are a Serious Contender
A Video CV shows commitment to your application. Some sites will allow you to copy-paste your CV as word document; this, therefore, means the recruiters receive hundreds of the CV’s from job seekers that are simply applying even though they do not have the required qualifications. On the contrary, Video CV’s show that you have an in-depth knowledge since they show you have taken your time to write the script and set up the equipment as well as recording a part that is tailored for your position.
Shows a More Human Side
Recruiters do not learn much from a candidate personality from looking over a typed CV. Therefore, it will be hard to explain your personality on the paper. This is because most CV's are written only to please the employer. However, when you do a part on the camera, then it will be easy for you to show a spark of your personality. Seeing you on the screen will make you more of a person, unlike the application number.
Shows you are Tech Savvy
These days, almost every industry relies on technology largely. People who are below 35 years commonly apply technology; this generation embraces the new technology quickly and is quicker to pick them up. However, when you put together a Video CV, you will be able to show your capabilities rather than telling your potential to employers. Writing about technical skills is good but putting them on a video is incredibly fair.
Takes Off Some of the Pressure
It is difficult to answer questions during interview sessions. If you happen to be anxious and ruffled, then you may end up tripping in the show. With a Video CV, you will be able to answer any questions that you will be asked at your own pace and in a controlled environment. This simply means that if you are called to an interview, and you feel that you have not given it your best, there is always a video fall back on that, you can check and gauge your performance.
Finally, some candidates make mistakes when filming a CV alone; this includes filming against an untidy background, shuffling paper or their speech or being muffled. Therefore, a well-organized Video CV is always neat and clear that is why you should still embrace it over a paper-based CV.
Written by: Girish Rohra Chawla
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