Why do competent employees leave sometimes? It is not because of the coffee breaks being too short, or they are not allowed to take a smoke break, or the lunch break isn’t long enough, studies reflect that properly engaged and motivated employees are not leaving jobs they are simply leaving bad managers.
Every business that has ever reached excellence has one thing in common great employees who are happy and comfortable in their work environment, that’s why it’s important to understand how management can create a culture to incorporate that flexibility and trust within their company. As a result, caring about the workforce and driving them to bring forward their potential and work to the best of their abilities.
Everyone needs a pat on the back every now and then and when an employees work is not recognized and there is no concept of raising the significance of a person, the work environment can become a living nightmare, but there’s light at the end of the tunnel and most of the things that increase work related stress can be avoided.
Always look at the positive, maybe your boss isn’t so bad maybe they are just tough or maybe you can grow from the learning experience that they have to offer no matter how unappealing it may sound now.
Take time to understand all the parameters of your job, if your boss is micromanaging, then you need to ask yourself if your boss is constantly correcting you so maybe you are missing out on something? You can eradicate this problem by just being a little step ahead of things for example creating an outline of your job responsibilities or produce templates for certain projects and set up frequent meetings in your initial 90 days.
Always ask questions and remember to communicate, it allows the other person to get a glimpse of the work you have been doing and you don’t go unnoticed or unheard. An honest conversation with your boss can really help and you can tell them how your constant calls and emails come in the way of your work and you can both agree on a more amicable way of having communication. For e.g. like creating a weekly meet up or daily email where you can fill them in on your progress and receive constant feedback. By bringing the issue to their attention you give them a chance to correct themselves and you are also standing up for yourself in the process. Emotional intelligence is swiftly becoming a powerful tool in the workplace.
You can start by putting yourself in your boss’s shoes and if you pinpoint any short coming because of which your boss needs to micromanage you, you might be able to find better solutions. There are always going to be unexpected challenges at the workplace by initialing the process of getting to know more about each other you are highlighting the importance of having a great professional relationship.
Not letting impolite comments get to you will actually help your emotional state and turning that rage into compassion can be a healthier option because there is always more than what meets the eye, empathizing with your boss and realizing that everyone faces different traces in their daily lives can give the opportunity to the other person to do the same for you.
How many of us are facing the same issue of dealing with a wicked boss? How does one tackle such a difficult situation?
Written by:
Girish Rohra Chawla
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