Employees are the building blocks of an organization. But sometimes the employees decide to leave the organization for one reason or the other depending on the situation. An employee can leave the organization for several reasons which might not be known to the organization. Employees often lie to maintain a professional image with the previous recruiters. And when the employees do not tell the truth many myths can be formed as to why they decided to leave. Today we will be discussing some of the most common myths about why people end up leaving organizations.
1. Better Salary
One of the most common myths about why employees leave an organization is that they were offered more money elsewhere. But most of the time this is not the case. Surveys have shown that money is the third factor that influences the decision to leave an organization. Advancement and Work-life balance are the main factors in such decisions. Other factors such as personal life also influence this decision greatly.
2. Work Pressure
It is often presumed that employees leave because they cannot handle work pressure. This is often found to be not true. Most employees are looking for more opportunities to grow and learn new things in their jobs. Some cannot handle work pressure, but most are looking for more responsibilities. So, do not assume that a certain employee will not be able to do a task instead try giving them the opportunity and help them whenever needed.
3. New Employees are more likely to leave
Recruiters often assume that new employees would leave within a few weeks after joining. On the contrary, new employees are often excited to gain experience and learn from the job. Employees who have worked for a longer time would look for new opportunities in other organizations as they have more skills and experience.
4. Managers cannot retain employees
It is often believed that managers cannot help in retaining employees, but managers are an important part of the worklife of employees. Managers should look at productivity reports of their team members and should discuss the issue that the employee might be facing during the task at hand. A bad manager, on the other hand, might do more damage to the team than they think.
5. Lower turnover rate
It is supposed that if the turnover rate is low then the employees like their jobs. That is incorrect. Many employees might only be at their jobs because of sluggishness or because they might fear change. These employees are doing damage to the organization as well. Human Resource Departments should try to find an employee who is passionate about their job and would put efforts into their work.
These were some of the myths about why people end up leaving organizations. Remember that there might be a bigger picture than what you know. Try to learn more about the issues of employees than just assuming the standard reasons. Do you think there are other reasons as well? Tell us about your viewpoint on this topic.
Written by: Girish Rohra Chawla
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