Regardless of which industry you may be in, there is always some risk to someone's health. Accidents and poor health can not only cause stress and distress to the person and the company workforce but also the company's bottom line. However, in the modern business ecosystem there has been research and development in managing health and safety in the workforce, even if the industry or sector is a low risk one. Businesses have also begun to include operational health and safety as one of their business objectives and are continually improving the standards within the field.
Aims and Objectives
The aim of the programme is to enable the delegate to:
A deep understanding of individual responsibilities when it comes to operational health and safety.
Understand Safety Management Systems.
Understand how to risk assess.
Tools and techniques that can be used to measure performance.
This course is ideal for
Managers and supervisors looking to gain an deep understanding of health and safety.
Course Content
Introducing working safely
Defining hazard and risk
Identifying common hazards
Improving safety performance
Delegates Prerequisites
Ideally you should be a manager or supervisor in your field of expertise to undertake this course.
Course Methodology
This course is an instructor led classroom based environment, conducted by a health and safety expert. The classes will be conducted over 3 days. The course consists of a blend of lectures, application, projects and exercises. All other materials will be provided to the attendees in the classroom environment. At the conclusion of the course, there will be an exam and a certification can be obtained upon attaining the passing grade.