Most companies are taking the initiative of incorporating health and wellness into the company culture through worksite programs. The wellness programs can be enticing, but what are the benefits of corporate wellness programs. Therefore, this blog will highlight how the employer and employees will benefit from the corporate wellness initiatives.
Creates a positive outlook
To understand how the corporate wellness initiative is crucial to a company, you need first to know how it impacts employees. When a person feels cared for, encouraged, and supported by the employer, they will want to work hard and impress the employer. Hence, a positive wellness plan has this effect. It shows employees that their health is highly valued, and the company supports them in their journey of achieving personal goals whether it is to be in better shape, improve health or have a more active life.
Improving Overall Health
In addition to the positive outlook feature of the company, once an employee begins the corporate wellness initiative, they will respond positively to the new lifestyle. They will have more energy, be less stressed and improve their general cognitive functions; this will, in turn, reflect on their work performance. This will also improve their overall health with time, and they will be less sick because of the improved immune functionality.
Chronicle conditions like heart diseases and diabetes will be controlled through the corporate wellness initiative, and this will help employees to be at less risks of catching a stroke or any other related diseases.
Saving Direct and Indirect Costs
It is essential to understand how the employee has positively affected not the wellness program. This will make it easier for employees to comprehend their benefits from the employer. This is also another way of saving costs, both directly and indirectly. The direct prices are medical costs, including preventive, treatment services. The indirect damages on the other hand are the cost related to mortality or the value of future income lost because of premature death and income lost because of low productivity, absenteeism and restricted days.
Decreasing Employee Turnover and Improving Employee Morale
The goodness of a corporate wellness initiative is that it improves the general performance of an organization. When the program is executed correctly, it will decrease the rate of employee turnover, improve the company morale, and build loyalty among employees.
There are several benefits of a corporate wellness initiative to both employees as well as to the organization. When employees are in good health, they will work to deliver to their level best. The benefits have long-lasting results that will be beneficial to the organization.
Finally, by having a corporate wellness initiative in the company culture, leaders will make a long-term impact both for the company and the employees. It is also essential to the company to make employees aware of the facts underlying their lifestyle issues and let them know how they can impact their health. Corporate wellness initiative is a win-win for everyone. The medical costs are rising at alarming costs, and so are the risks of healthcare challenges. Therefore, it will be ideal for promoting wellness programs at workplaces to curb these risks.
Written By: Girish Rohra Chawla Follow Us On Social Media Platforms! FB: @millennialhrconsultant LinkedIn: @millennialhrconsultant Instagram: @millennialhrconsultant