Quote by:-
“Knowing what's right doesn't mean much unless you do what's right.”
― Theodore Roosevelt
The word 'Bullying' is common terminology used to indicate an ongoing misuse of power and aggressive behavior demonstrated by children and adults. In other words, the imbalance of power. It is an issue which has caught the attention of the world in the recent decade. From every level of education to even the corporate world, its existence cannot be refuted.
Types of Bullying
There are three ways in which bullying is prevalent.
1. Physical - When someone is harmed physically by bully using acts such as:-
● Punching, kicking, and pushing
● Inappropriate touching
● Extortion
● Excluding from group
2. Verbal - When someone's feelings are hurt through bullying by acts like:-
● Spreading rumors
● Threatening
● Racial comments
● Gossiping
● Name-calling
3. Written or online - When someone is harassed or intimidated by the bully in ways like:-
● Making silent or abusive calls
● Sending inappropriate or threatening messages
● Publishing someone's personal information to embarrass them
● Running campaigns on social networking sites
Impact of Bullying
Picking up a particular person for targeting leaves a negative impact on the development of their mind. Students and people who are bullied are more likely to:-
● Undergo depression and feeling of loneliness and isolation
● Lack of quality friendship in school and colleges
● Develop low self esteem
● Less acceptance by peers
● Have lower academic results and low performance at work
● Develop a feeling of disconnection from school, college, and job
● Higher risk of suicide
Impact on Bullies
Children and adults who frequently bully others are more likely to:-
● Get involved in fights and leave education or work
● Produce unresponsive conversation
● Earn disrespect for themselves and their family
● Show violent behavior
Impact on schools/institutions
If such negative habits are prevalent in school premises or workplaces and a school or the institution holds back from taking any responsible action, there are multiple consequences of such bad habits. Some of them are:-
● A fearful and disrespectful environment develops in school and at workplace
● The feeling of insecurity develops in students and employees especially girls/women
● Students start disliking school and employees start hating working at such places
● Learning difficulties increase for students and growth opportunity for individuals lessen
Measures for controlling bullying
Leaders Lead Not Just Preach - When someone engages in bullying, it is the duty of parents, guardians, and authorities to give their own examples of good behavior and lead bullied by their own experience.
Rule Enforcement - Schools, colleges, institutions, and workplaces where bullying is observed, norms regarding indiscipline must be strictly enforced.
Educating the Blank Slate - Great educationist John Locke once said that 'A child is born as a blank slate'. The parents with the help of school authorities and bosses with the help of subordinates should provide training and necessary education to children/ workforce from the beginning by organizing seminars.
Counselling - Although society is a little rigid in issues related to mental health, bullies should be provided proper counselling. These counselling sessions are developed in such a way as to provide an emotional outlet to the suppressed feelings of the bullies. This healthy outlet makes them problem solvers, conflict resolvers, compromisers, and cooperative and not problem creators.
Start Spreading the News - It is advantageous to aware children of such issues from early stages and set clear standards warning them not to indulge in bullying. By identifying and daring to stop whenever bullying takes place anywhere.
Keep an eye - To avoid such irreverent behavior, parents should observe their child's behavior and schools and workplaces must install CCTV cameras for noticing undesirable behavior. Teach the bully a lesson not in a corporal way but with love affection and understanding their psyche.
It is always in everyone’s best interest to confront bullying and maintaining a bullying-free environment because anticipation is more profitable than interference or conciliation. This is apparently the right thing to do if you care about your child or the workplace. Schools or workplace should offer teaching to the individuals in need, so they are aware of how to tackle such circumstances when they are faced with it, rather than leaving them on their own. STOP BULLYING FOR GOOD!
Written by: Girish Rohra Chawla
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